Saturday 15 February 2014

It is time to turn down the heat, we are heading to a 2 degree warmer planet, it seems there isn't much we can do not to avoid that. It is now time to do all we can to prevent a 4 degrees warmer planet, if we want Humans to survive. Many Developing countries are making changes and taking mitigating actions. They are taking measures to adapt to sea level rise and flooding. Agriculture is being adjusted to suit the changing environment. Unfortunately the Developed Nations are not taking this seriously, and it is here that small personal changes can achieve the most. The problem isn't 'out there' any more, it is here with us. It is through changes in our lifestyles that most can be achieved.

The Effects of Climate Change

IF you still doubt climate change is real, click on these links

It won't affect me                            None of the newspapers tell me whats going on

So how much do we need to cut our CO2 emissions by?

The world-wide average CO2 emissions by capita was about 4 tons per year in 2005. For North America it was about 20 tons and for Europe about 10 tons per year per capita. By 2050, the world-wide average CO2 emission per capita needs to be reduced to 2 tons per year. time for a

So if in North America we need to drop 18 tons/year, and  in Europe its 8 tons/year off our Carbon foot print.   

          Click here to work out your Carbon foot Print

Some ideas on how to reduce your foot print can be found on these links  -reduce your carbon footprint

Tell our Leaders we demand they pour resources into tackling Climate Change NOW. 

In USA contact your Congressman

In the UK contact your Member of Parliament 

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